All of us have some thoughts and ideas about our careers and professions.

It is however sad to see that not everyone reaches a career or path of profession that they would like to.  For example, every boy wishes to be a fireman when he is young while every girl wants to be a nurse or a teacher when she’s young.
Thankfully not every one of them finally turns out into what their childhood dream is.
On a serious note though, you should decide quite early in life what career you wish to pursue and take your decisions accordingly.
This article covers the main aspects you should take in mind for deciding on your career. The article also provides examples on how to choose your career path.
Here are some ways to decide on a career plan.

Deciding on a career

One should decide what career they would like to pursue keeping the three golden points in mind:

Interests: The truth be told, one cannot hold a job that does not interest them for a long time. The problems that they face may be superfluous, like the work timings, some aspects of the job or even the boss. However, the fact is that because the people are not interested in the job, such nitty-gritty comes up in their mind.

Financial Feasibility: A person may be interested in many things, but it is important that there is a commercial aspect to the activity that he or she wants to carry out. Once the person works out a way to convert their interests in a financially viable model, they have taken the first right steps towards their success.
Growth: Apart from the interest and the financial factor, another important factor is the growth of a person or his activities.  It is a fact that how much ever interested a person is in a particular activity, it does get monotonous after a time and a growth or enhancement is quite needed.
Keeping these three concepts in mind, you can decide the profession or the job that you wish to undertake.
Of course, the interests of a person change over age, and it is necessary that a person takes such a decision only when they are mature enough to understand the different between childhood fantasies and true life ambitions.

What is career path? How to choose your career path
Finding a job is not necessarily means that you find a satisfying career – well, unless you are blessed…
A successful career path is something you create (and build) from scratch. In that manner, you should build your own career path based on your drill downed career plan that you maintain consistently.
Once you have decided which profession to undertake, there are several activities to follow.
For ensuring that you are successful in your ambition and follow your interests on a professional basis, here are some guidelines:
You should commit to your decisions. If you make a career path decision and feel that you made the right decision, then you have to be responsible and commit for this career path you choose.
Therefore, the best way is to write down:
•    Your career statement that focuses on the reasons you choose this career and the all-purpose ways you are going to take to achieve your goals.
•    Your career/project plan – to underline the tasks.
Educational Qualifications
Education is the spine of all ambitions. In fact, if you do not have the basic education, no profession will entertain you. If you do not have the required education for the career path that you wish to follow, you will find it very hard to get hired by any company. Therefore, you should make sure that you have all the educational qualifications that are required.
Entrance – entry level
To be frank, there are some people who like things easy and there are some people who like a challenge factor in everything in their life. Therefore you have to check what type of person you are and in the same vein decide what kind of entrance you would wish for in your profession – a difficult one or a simple one.
Salary and Start up Salary
The financial aspect of a job is quite important for almost everyone. If you are in a low paying profession or a job for a long time there is a kind of frustration that creeps up into you and that makes you a bitter person. Therefore make sure that the interest you pin point on is financially lucrative. Another aspect that you should keep in mind is the progress point in the financial aspect of it. If the progress points are too few and far between, it is suggested that you get back to your thought process about the profession that you wish to get into.
Next Level
As with the salary, you should also keep an eye on the development of your career as regards your capabilities, responsibilities and professional skills. If the two points of appraisal are too few and far between, there are chances that you have the same frustration that one might have for not be paid properly.
Time Dedication
There are some professions whose work day ends within five hours, while there are some professions whose work day extends till eighteen hours. At the beginning of your life, you should decide whether you wish to work for five hours or eighteen hours. Once you have decided what profession you wish to follow, you should make sure that you find out that levels of hierarchy that are basically present in the profession.
Personal Life/Professional Life
You should also find out whether you are able to balance your professional life with your personal life or not. A person’s professional life is as important as a person’s private life. It is only if a person finds a complete balance between the two that they can even think about being successful and happy in their life.
After having these points cleared, you want to create a simple plan with a time schedule as your career pathway.
“Positive thinking will let you do everything better than negative thinking will.”
Zig Ziegler

Milan Tomic

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